In which the goal is not achieved, but the result is pretty nonetheless. Our Blogger makes an antique pink bra with strappy detailing, and considers a comparison to the partial band bra.
Read MorePretty in (Partial Band) Pink
In which our intrepid blogger tackles the partial band bra modification, and begins Me Made May.
Read MoreThe Floral Bra Strikes Again
In which a pattern is made with different fabric, and a comparison is made.
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Making a Foamless Bra
Everyone has some kind of preconceived notion about bras before they get into sewing them. That you can only wear a certain type of bra, that they have to have 'x' to be suitable, etc. One of mine, and I have a few, involves foam cups.
Read MoreBra #2: Overconfidence and Physics
As it turns out, bramaking involves a bit more engineering than anticipated.
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